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Are we on target?


3D Archery League


Big Woods Archery Academy

350 Ronnell Road
Canton, GA 30115

Dates and times


1:30 sign in - warm up,

2:30 sharp START

May 29
June 5
June 12
June 19.........Top 5 Scores compete in the SHOOT OFF


Archers must be over the age of 10 to participate.

Archer may use any bow, Recurve or Compound, but NO crossbows.

Arrows must not exceed 300 fps. We will spot chrono bows

You can only Win 1st prize once!!!!!

Big Woods has the right to change the format during the 3D series (4-4 weeks competitions) but not once a 4 week series has started.


Competition will span 4 consecutive weeks. Archers will earn points for 3 weeks; the top 5 archers after three weeks will shoot on the 4th week in a shoot off.

Standard ASA scoring will be used. No team shoot or buddy groups. Archers will be assigned to groups randomly and must attend 2 of the 3 weeks to still be consider in contention.

The competition will consist of 10 or 12 targets set at various ranges from 5 to 50 yards. Distances will be known and marked at each target

Archers will be allowed one arrow per target- NO MULLIGANS

Standard ASA scoring will be used -https://www.asaarchery.com/


$30 Entry fee
$15 per week for every week the archer participates


Prizes will be awarded to the Top 5 Archers.

1st place will receive a Compound Bow (Must have 5 or more archers participating for prizes to be awarded)

2nd – 5th Receive Cash and Prizes

3D Archery League
Shoot weekly